How Sunnyside Changed My Life w/ Casie Stewart
Welcome to Journey to the Sunny Side, a podcast where we have thoughtful conversations to explore the science of habits, uncover the secrets to mindful living, and, of course, inspire your own mindful drinking journey. This podcast is brought to you by Sunnyside, the number one alcohol moderation platform. And if you could benefit from drinking a bit less, head on over to to get a free 15 day trial. I'm your host, Mike Hardenbrook, published author, neuroscience enthusiast, and habit change expert. Today, I'm sitting down with Casey Stewart, and let me tell you her story is amazing.
Mike:So Casey's been using Sunnyside for about 700 days now. That's almost 2 years. And the changes she's been seeing are life changing. We're talking about better health, a whole new mindset, and just feeling happier altogether. Together, we'll explore the specific Sunnyside features that Casey can't live without and how they helped her shift from regular drinker to mindful drinker.
Mike:Casey's gonna break down how she uses the app, the tracking tools, and personal insights to make lasting changes. So if you're curious how technology can effectively change your drinking habits or Today, I'm joined with Casey Stewart. Casey, thanks for coming on today.
Casie:Thank you so much. I'm glad to be here and talk about my experience with Sunnyside. It's been a long time.
Mike:Well, you have this incredible story that you tracked your drinking for over 700 days, and I'm really excited to get into that and actually wanna get into the incremental improvements that you improvements that you experienced along that way. But before we do, why don't you walk us through before you went down this road, what your relationship with alcohol was in whatever manner you wanna share with us?
Casie:Yeah. Well, I mean, I went to university in Australia. Lots of drinking. Lots of drinking there. And then, over the past, I started a blog in 2,005, and I worked in media, and that, involves going to lots of media events, lots of product launches, you know, red carpet events, and film festival type things.
Casie:And, I would go there were times where I would go to, like, 5 to 10 events a week, and all those events have an open bar and snacks and lots of people. And I would be going out all the time, you know, during the week for kind of, like, work type media events, and then, also, you know, on the weekend, just like let loose and stuff. So I had been living like that for a really long time. And, you know, I took a solo trip to LA and I came back. I was like, okay, I'm not doing this anymore.
Casie:And then after that, I was like, okay, I'm gonna start being more of like a fitness person because I never worked out. I was just out doing events and stuff. And, you know, I kind of made a decision like, okay, I wanna make some changes in my life because I'm wasting time, money, calories, and I wasn't happy. And it was affecting, like, relationship with my partner, and I would be more flaky, I guess. And I was like, okay.
Casie:I really need to make a change.
Mike:Yeah. Can I dig in a little bit and maybe you can share as much as you want, but I'd love to know, like, what was the height of where you were drinking that you were just like, this is way too much?
Casie:I mean, like, for okay. I have a good example of, like, there was 1 year a couple years ago, like, at film at, the Toronto International Film Festival, where I had, like, every day, it was, like, 4 a week. Like, every day, I'd be going out to a party in the morning, like, sleeping till, like, 10, getting changed, going to some kind of day event, having champagne in the daytime, going to a gifting lounge, then that they go home, change my outfit, go out go out again. And it was, like, days in a row. And I remember I went to my mom's house after that, and I was, like, I had a major, like, depressive episode.
Casie:I was like, what am I doing with my life? I hate myself. Like, I'm an idiot. Like, just and, like, everything that I was doing was, like, there was pictures, and I get pictures from the event, and I'd be like, it was documented, and I just felt like complete crap. Are you allowed to swear?
Casie:Like, oh,
Mike:like Yeah. Definitely.
Casie:Same time. I was like, I hate myself. And, like, I just was really, really, like, not like suicidal, but I was really like, fuck on my life. I've just ruined it. And and, you know, but then, you know, I would kinda like, okay, hang out at my mom's house for a little bit, go back to the city.
Casie:Things would be for a little while, like, okay, cool. I'm kind of on a good trajectory and then, like, holiday time comes.
Mike:Yeah. I mean, I can comment and make you feel a little bit better. I definitely, outdid you, you know, like, through college. I drink. I was a fraternity guy.
Mike:It was part of the culture in college and kinda moved into my adult life where I just felt like I was doing something by having a drink in the evening. I was still, like, you know, being that guy that I was a little bit in college. And then, yeah, it started being, like, in the evening. Hey. This is how I tell myself as an entrepreneur.
Mike:This is quitting time. And just having a little bit of a bottle started to be I was able to finish up a whole bottle and then a bottle and a half and it was like you wake up in the morning and feel like crap. And I'd still go for my runs. I'd still work out. I'd still get all my work done.
Mike:I'd start to feel better in the afternoon and then you think, oh, you know, I feel pretty good right now. Maybe I'll treat myself.
Casie:Maybe I'll just go for 1 beer.
Mike:Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. So, I mean, I can totally understand where you're coming from. And I think that chemical reaction that goes on in the brain, you know, really gives you those low lows on top of just feeling bad about yourself.
Casie:Yeah. In general.
Mike:So do you think that there was, like, one realization in that kind of feeling crappy that all of a sudden you're saying, alright. I'm gonna start looking for some options right now.
Casie:Yeah. When before I found, Sunnyside, and I don't know how, somehow it came into my life. But I had been at a cottage for the summer, and one that my friends and I go to, somebody rents it, and we go stay for a week. And, like, I was there was someone that I kinda had a bit of a kind of like, we we don't always get along, and I was just, like, drinking by myself, and I was, like, down at dock in the sun. Like, it was lovely.
Casie:But then, like, I gradually started to get more drunk, and then it turned into me having like a, I got into like an argument with someone and then I had a whole crying meltdown. And then I left the cottage and no one knew where I was. And then I ended up calling my friend who has another cottage and I was like, nah, I'm freaking out. I have to get out of here. And she had to come get me in her boat.
Casie:And then I stayed over there. And then the next morning I was like, what just happened? And after that cottage experience, I was like, okay, girl, you need to get it together because it was like, what are you doing? You know, that's just not the person that you wanna be and, like, I created an entire dramatic situation for no reason.
Mike:Yeah. It's at that point that I think we all get to where you say this doesn't really align, whether you're drinking a ton or a ton to just you, it doesn't matter because whatever feels like too much is too much. Like, there's no benchmark to compare to other people because everybody's different. But there's that one time you're just like, this is doesn't align to what I wanna be doing right now.
Casie:Totally. And, like, I would be, you know, like, fitness Casey, but then it's, like, also, like, Kendra, that's her name. Kendra's style for the person out. He's not invited. Okay.
Casie:She's not invited to anything anymore. But, like and it's like, I would kind of do these two things. Like, I also I enjoy running, and like, working it and stuff, and it's like but then it's like, oh, Kendra's coming.
Mike:It would be,
Casie:like, not good.
Mike:Isn't it funny? Because, like, I was a very fitness oriented person all my life. I always have been. So I align with, you know, the people that I our pinnacle peak that I wanna follow and and do what they do. Same with, like, in business.
Mike:I'm following all the great, like, thought leaders. I'm trying to excel in that. And then I'm, like, comparing myself to all the dudes that go down to the bar and say, well, they're just like me. Why am I, like, going and comparing myself to all these high marks? But then when it came to this one part in my life, I was just looking for validation that was okay to continue.
Casie:I feel you.
Mike:What did so before we move on, I actually wanna ask you because you have a new unique perspective and that was your time in Australia. Yeah. So can you talk a little bit about the cultural differences and similarities that you experienced while you were there when it came to, you know, alcohol?
Casie:Well, it's very, my relationship with alcohol there was honestly, I did not have a lot of money, and, like, you could buy a 1 liter of Tropicana. It was, like, 6.99, but for, like, 999, you could buy 4 liters of wine in a box. Like, you could buy box wine. So, like, we drank wine, like, all the time. And also I had at like a bad, not a great relationship with my eating habits.
Casie:So I would be like, and I didn't have a lot of money. So it was like, okay, well, I have this much money. I'm like, I could buy dinner or I could just not have dinner and go out and drink and party. And like, when I think back, I was like, oh my gosh. And when I came home, I was like, so frail and thin and like, I just looked like gaunt.
Casie:I feel like I'd look, I think back to that poor girl and like, you know, it just was, it was there. Everyone just, like, drinks a lot more all the time. Like, you're just, like, sculling beers, and then you're, like I remember going to a horse races, and we just got, like, totally black at the horse races. And I'd have, like, pictures on my camera, like, my digital camera that I used to carry around because it was like, I didn't look at cell phone that wasn't didn't have that yet. And I'd get pictures and I'd be like, buddy, what are we doing?
Casie:And we would we wouldn't even remember what we were doing. And, like, it was like debauchery all the time. And, like, it's it's crazy over there. And we just accepted. It's like, was okay.
Mike:Yeah. It's like a thing that you do in your youth. It takes me back and I'm always so thankful that I'm old enough that digital cameras were not on telephones at the time in my twenties. So Yeah. Oh my god.
Mike:And it reminds me of it reminds me of when I was so I used to live in London for 2 years and I also lived in Italy and, same thing, broke student, cheap bottles of wine mixed with coke, which was like the Italian thing to do. Hey, real quick. I wanna tell you about our 40 lesson master class on mindful drinking. This is put on by Sunnyside, taught by experts, and it's absolutely free for you to get access. Go to learn dot and get started today.
Mike:So let's get into let's get into this new found journey that you got in Mhmm. That you went on. And tell me before you found Sunnyside, though, had you taken some runs at, making a difference in your relationship with alcohol?
Casie:Honestly, not really. I would be like, no. I hadn't really. I'd be like, oh, well, I guess I should stop drinking and then, I mean, I, no, I don't re I don't really remember giving it a go before that day, that cottage time where I was like, all right, this is it. No, I hadn't never really tried.
Casie:I just, I I don't even remember. I don't even remember even doing dry January ever.
Mike:Well, I kinda love this then because then it just shows that, like, this I mean, you did all the work, but that this was sort of, like, it all came together at one time. So you did I don't know what it is so when you when we plan this, you were at 700 days plus. Yep. It's probably close to 2 combined years now.
Casie:Yep. 738 days. I've been tracking.
Mike:Wow. Amazing. Yeah. So this is gonna be a good good story.
Casie:So it's 738 days there. Yeah.
Mike:Yes. And that's one of the great things about it is that you can actually see your results right in front of you.
Casie:Yeah. It's great. I love that I mean, we can get into what I love about that, but, I think you were about to ask me something.
Mike:Well, what do you think is the was the thing that spoke to you that you're like, if you'd never done it before, why did Sunnysides was it a timing thing? Was it, hey. This is something I think I can do. What was that?
Casie:It was kind of like, I got I did a free trial, like, a 30 day trial. Maybe a 30 day trial. It might have been not 45 days. So I got a trial and I was like, all right, let's give it an old call this trial. We'll see if this works.
Casie:But also I'm a very, you know, I've always been kind of like an early adopter. I really like tech. I'm like I spend a lot of time on my phone. I have like my apple watch. So like having an app that checks in with me and also tracks things is something that I'm interested in.
Casie:Like, I track all my fitness. I track my meditation. I track like everything. So that element of it was like, okay. This is good.
Casie:And at first I thought setting up text alerts, I was like, this is gonna be annoying. And I was like, no, it's not. I actually really like that part. It's kinda like it's like I have, like, a coach and someone that checks in with me, and I was like, okay. I like this.
Casie:And then you kind of start to see money saved, better night's sleep that you have. And I was like, okay. I kinda get into this. And then it kind of became a bit of a game with myself. And I also really like this setting.
Casie:I would look at my calendar and be like, okay. You know, you have an event this day. This day is gonna be something good. I'm gonna do just go out that night. So I look at my calendar.
Casie:I'd look at my planning my drinks for the week, and I'd be like, okay. I know something's gonna happen on this day. And, you know, there's obviously, especially at the start was times where I was like, oh, oh, you fucked up again. Make your drink count for the day. But, I like that I could look at my calendar, plan it out, and send gold for myself.
Casie:And then that tracking just became it became a habit, and I look forward to it. And I like the reminders and, like, yeah, I really like that. It works for me, and it's still working. Great.
Mike:Alright. So let's jump into your your first interaction with Sunnyside. You got started. You download the app. You took the trial, and let's walk through maybe the first one day to 30 days, what you started to notice, what changes, positive challenges, share that 30 day journey.
Casie:It was 2 years ago, so I don't really remember exactly because I feel like I didn't really get into making a big change until like, it took a couple months for, like, me to really get kind of going. I know at first so I started in, it was August, and that year in September, is the Toronto Film Festival. And that year I was like, okay. I'm gonna be a lot more select. I started being it really helped me be more mindful.
Casie:So it made me think about, like, am I gonna go to this event, or am I gonna go to the gym? Am I gonna drink? Maybe I'll drive the car. Maybe I'll do this. So it was the first things was I started to make changes in my behavior and help me be more mindful.
Casie:And I was like, okay. Or I would yeah. I think that was a major thing. It was like mind shift was the first thing to happen.
Mike:Okay. So the 1st 30 days, you noticed a shift. Was there any physical things that you noticed in that 30 days too?
Casie:I know definitely that, you know, if you're working out and trying to, like, lose weight, alcohol, it's not a good not good to have in the mix. I don't remember specifically any physical changes, but I I just know that I feel better when I don't drink. Oh, overall. Like, I know that it's like and then I started doing a deep dive into research of the cow messes with your brain and, like, how different things and it you know, I know that if I if I don't have, like, alcohol in my system or I don't drink for it has to be, like, over a week, then I start to kinda feel a bit different. But it's like, it was only a couple days, and you go you have a couple drinks again.
Casie:It's like, doesn't doesn't make you don't get the benefits. It has to be a bit longer than that.
Mike:Yeah. I I agree with that. And also, like, the, the caloric intake. Yeah. A lot of people will end up losing weight, but a lot of people end up gaining weight because when you replace you still you get this sugar craving a lot of people end up eating more sweets and then they get discouraged but just realize that it's kind of the process like you'll get through that part also and you'll probably start eating better also.
Mike:But a lot of people are surprised when they're like, I thought I was gonna lose a lot of weight and doesn't always happen for everyone right away. So alright. So 1 to 30 days, you had this mindset shift. So maybe, like, between 30 days 90 days, did you feel anything start to change and evolve from the 1st 30 days?
Casie:Yes. So that was that would have been September. And then, I remember in December. So I had noticed that, like, you know, okay. I had been tracking my drinks for a while.
Casie:I've been trying to keep on schedule. I love seeing that little green looking at the monthly calendar and seeing that it's green. I was like, you go, girl. You know? That makes me really happy when I would see that, and I was like, okay.
Casie:But, I mean, also the start of December, there was a lot of, you know, Christmas parties. And I was like, okay. You're not doing as good. You need to try you need to do better. And then that January, I was like, I'm gonna do dry January.
Casie:Never done it before. Don't ever go an entire month without drinking. And I, and I remember it was the 31st. It was New Year's Eve, and I had this little note in my pape in my wallet that I drew, and it was a little like, it said, I'll show you. It's it says do it.
Casie:So right here, it says do it. It's a smiley face. It's a little tattoo, but I had that on a post it note that I was carrying around in my wallet. And I walked by a tattoo studio, and I was like, I'm getting this tattooed, and I'm gonna do it. And I was like, this is gonna be I was like, I'm gonna look at my arm, and I'm gonna be like, do it.
Casie:And maybe for someone who doesn't have tattoos, this seems like a crazy thing, but when you have a lot, it's just like, you know, just a little reminder. And so I remember I went and I got this tattoo, and I did, in sunny side dry ish January. So it was, like, what a weekend day, so it was, like, Friday. I was, like, I could have 3 drinks on a on a Friday, but I didn't always do that. But I was I got nervous, and I didn't wanna, like I wanted to I wanted to try.
Casie:But, I mean, I had a fully green month that January, and I did it. And I was like, okay. You can do it. And I remember the next couple months seeing, you know, my sunny side calendar would be like green, maybe a little yellow dot here and there, but it was like, okay. You know?
Casie:You're doing good. So that, like but it took me, like, 90 days to get, like, alright. Let's take this serious. You know?
Mike:That's awesome. So, actually, I'm thinking so did December 31st, did you have drinks that night before you started January?
Casie:No. I'm not. I don't like to go out. I like to, like, for a while, like, I'm not I like to get up on the 1st day of January and start out as I need to go on. I like to get up early.
Casie:I go for a run. I eat healthy food. I like whatever I wanna project for my year starts that day. And, like, I know I definitely didn't go out. I'll, like, watch the countdown on TV and then, like, I'm sleeping.
Mike:Yeah. After decades of, like, going out and partying or even if I didn't have a party to do, I dream the new because it's new year's. And then I started not doing that, and I was like, it felt like the ultimate cheat code. I'd wake up. I know that, like, huge percentage of people are sleeping in and probably not feeling awesome, and I'm, like, ready to charge that year.
Mike:It's, like, such an amazing feeling. If anybody listening hasn't done it, it's definitely
Casie:Highly recommend.
Casie:It's great. And it's, like, also one of the things that's, like, I think about now is, like, what party is gonna be better than the things that I have done? Like, I mean, I have done so many things that, like, can't even do anymore. There was smoking on patios. Just all kinds of crazy things that, like, you know, things, just lots of things.
Casie:I'm like, it's I never really feel FOMO. It's like, I'm more of like JOMO. Because I'll see people that are like drinking at an event or a party, and I'd be like, I am glad I'm not there. I was like, that's cute. And I was like, I'll just live it through their Instagram stories, but I don't I'm glad to not be there.
Mike:Yeah. And now I hear you. I mean, I you also think about the person that's definitely had too much, and you're you're always thinking, I'm glad I'm not that person right now.
Casie:No. Thank you. Been there, done that. Don't wanna do that again. And you know how you feel after and you're like,
Mike:oh, not So after 90 days, did you feel a marked difference maybe between up to the 6 month point and beyond? Like, did it get easier? You know, walk us through that.
Casie:I think no. I don't know. I think, yes, it did get easier because I would you know, every week, I would look at my calendar of the events that I had going on, and I really started to make changes, like, changes in the mindfulness element. Is it that has really I think that's the most important part about it. Like, I actually think about, like, am I gonna drink?
Casie:Or what am I gonna like, when I look at my week ahead, like, now I, I also use the ClassPass app. So I book all my fitness classes for the week, and I know that, like, Monday night, I have this Tuesday Wednesday morning, I have yoga and Pilates, and then Wednesday night I have yoga. So, like, Monday, most days of the week, I have a fitness class booked. And if there's something that's gonna take me away from that, especially something that involves alcohol, like, it better be good and I better I it's like, it has to be a job where I'm getting paid. Otherwise, why am I going?
Casie:Like, I don't care if there's a opening of some thing, club restaurant bar, new product offering. Like, I used to go to all those things, and now I'm like, I'm gonna miss yoga for that. I don't know.
Mike:Yeah. You gotta, like, get your priorities straight. Like, which one matters to you more? Like, I I mean, I've said this before in multiple interviews, but sometimes when in the evening when I'm, like, tempted to have, couple drinks, number 1, I'll think, you know what? That couple drinks versus my sleeping sound sound and not tossing is not worth it.
Mike:And then also, I wanna get up. I I like my coffee more than I like my days these days, to be honest, and to be out and just not even have to think about it.
Casie:Yeah. I'm with you.
Mike:So did you feel like Sunnyside helped you completely change your your habits around, you know, just, like, the way that you would approach anything as far as alcohol goes?
Casie:Yeah. A 100%. Like, I have, my I have it set up. So every day at 9 AM, I get a, Casey, what was your drink count? And then I also have my tech set up for 6 PM.
Casie:Because, like, 6 PM is when I'm like, she's done work. What are we gonna do tonight? And it's like, I love that check-in. That's like, hey, Casey. You marked today as a dry day.
Casie:And I was like, you're right. I did. We should go for a walk, and I'm not gonna go to the brewery while I'm on my walk. It's like, because sometimes I would do that. I'd be out for a walk, and then if I had to stop at a bar, but I don't
Mike:I'll balance it out. Yes. I earned that.
Casie:Yeah. It's so nice out. It's sunny. Like, it's raining.
Casie:You know, do whatever. But I would, yeah. And it really has helped me think about what I'm doing. And, like, of course, of over the whole week, like like, my fitness classes, what food I'm eating. Well, it just has, like, has had a big impact on my life.
Casie:And when I look at those 700 days, I'm like, shit. This is, like, the longest thing I've ever done. I mean, I track my fitness in my, like, Apple Watch and stuff, but this is some serious I'm proud of myself because it's some serious dedication when I look at that. It's like dedication to, like, thinking about my my, like, my mindfulness, my mental health, and my physical health. And I don't know if I could have done that without the check ins and having the Sunnyside app.
Casie:I feel like, I isn't that's really honestly, like, from the bottom of my heart, it's really made a huge difference. I don't know if I could have done it otherwise.
Mike:You know, like, you're as you're saying this, it makes me think, like, you're on this video, you're, like, sharing your story. You're vibrant. You're happy. You're outgoing. You know, you've you've made major changes.
Mike:Think back to that Casey that was in the cottage. What do you think where do you think that she would be if she didn't change, you know, 700 plus days ago?
Casie:I don't know. She would be in a dark place. She who knows? I probably definitely wouldn't have a partner anymore. I'd be in my own apartment somewhere.
Casie:Who knows? Who knows where I would be? I don't know. I don't wouldn't have, I wouldn't, I wouldn't look and feel the way I do now. That's for sure.
Casie:Like, I would be sad and probably overweight at home.
Mike:It's insane how small changes can make massive impact in your life on a day to day basis.
Casie:And it's small changes. It it's not like I'm not like a completely sober person. I'm, you know, I'm not and there's some days that I'm like, don't make my goal. But I mean, just the fact that I think about it and I'm think about it every day. I think about it in the morning, in the night, every Sunday when I plan my week.
Casie:I never used to think about that before, but now I do, and it that trickles into thinking about other things in my life.
Mike:Yeah. I mean, I it sounds like it, you know, had this downwind effect that just completely changed the trajectory of of where you were going.
Mike:So if somebody who's listening to this and is thinking about using Sunnyside, what recommendation would you tell them and why?
Casie:I I mean, I will get my little tattoo on my arm and I would just say, do it. Because it, I have talked to friends who've thought about doing this, and I recommended SunnySide. And I think, you know, like, how could an app help me? Or how could, you know, how could people don't realize the power of technology to enhance your life? And I think Sunnyside is so great and so easy and convenient, and it just helps you be more mindful.
Casie:And, my advice would be just to do it. Like, give yourself the gift of being more mindful about the way that you handle alcoholic life.
Mike:It's so well said. I I love that. And yeah. So I I would say this was such an incredible episode, and I always love to highlight any projects that you're, you know, excited about or maybe that align to the conversation we have. So is there anything you wanna share?
Casie:Well, I think I was thinking about this. I'm like, what exciting things do I have coming up? I mean, I have a couple things that haven't launched yet. I mean, I'm always, you know, sharing what I'm up to on my Instagram. One exciting thing is, I'm also an actor, and I have a, the second half of a campaign that I'm in for a radio station is coming out in the fall and it's gonna have billboards with my face on it in Toronto and Calgary, billboards, bus stations, like on the side of the bus in a bus.
Casie:So if anyone's in Canada or Toronto, look out for my face. You know?
Mike:That's definitely exciting.
Casie:Yeah. So that's really cool. There was, you know, even just that kind of like, I I got an acting agent last summer, and I kinda had always wanted to do it, but also the sunny side and the mindfulness helps because you never know when you're gonna have an audition so if I'm like partying and then my agents like you have an audition girl not cute on camera all good so it's I mean, I don't think I would have done that if I wasn't using Sunny side because I wouldn't have been ready, you know?
Mike:I can speak to that in my own way and that is basically when I've had to when I would have too many drinks the next day, it made me the antisocial guy. And so, like, basically, I didn't if I went to the store, oh, I hope I don't see somebody. If a phone call came in, I didn't really wanna answer it. And now it's like, I'll take any phone call. I'll see anyone.
Mike:I'll, you know, I'll jump on any camera or whatever. And I definitely think that probably it it's lent a lot of benefit to to you in that way too.
Casie:Yeah. Totally. Big time. So, I mean, I think I'm really just generally excited to stay, like, focused on my goals of, like, keeping my mind in check, being mindful about my drinking, keeping my fitness, and that I know where my priorities are. You know?
Mike:Well, I love this story, and I'm really appreciative that you came on and took the time to share. It's gonna be beneficial to anybody listening to it. So thank you so much, Casey.
Casie:Thank you so much.
Mike:Thanks for listening. And I am a true believer that engaging with our listeners is the best way for us to have an incredible show. So if you have some feedback, if you have a guest that you think that would be amazing, or maybe you have your own story that you'd like to share, please email me at I'd love to hear from you. Talk soon.
Mike:This podcast is brought to you by Sunnyside, the number one alcohol moderation platform, having helped 100 of thousands of people cut out more than 13 million drinks since 2020. And in fact, an independent study showed that Sunnyside reduced alcohol consumption by an average of 30% in 90 days. And as one of our members shared, Sunnyside helps me stay mindful of my drinking habits. It's not super restrictive. So if I'm craving a glass of wine with dinner, I just track it and I move on with my week.
Mike:If you could benefit from drinking a bit less and being more mindful of when and how much you drink, head on over to to get a free 15 day trial. You'll get access to everything that we offer, including tracking and planning tools, coaching from our experts, a vibrant community of people just like you, and the motivation and advice to stay on track with your health goals, all with no pressure to quit. That's
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